Monday, February 28, 2011

Not everybody is creative, but I won't apologize that I am!

When you are a certain way, you just assume other people are the same way! I am a very verbal, communicative, articulate, think as a hobby, kind of guy. I know that is not the usual for a guy, but I don't apologize that my mind goes in a million directions, all intersecting at some point and always making sense to me! I get me! I understand how I think and ...I now get that most people don't think like I do, but...I am not diminished by the knowlege that I am unique and possibly, rare!

Point2Ponder: Why do we isolate those who are different than we, assuming that their differences are the bad thing and must be isolated and destroyed instead of seeking to learn and possibly emulate those who are different! Creativity in one world can be concidered strange and odd in another world. It's all a matter of perspective! Those afraid of the different will ostracize and isolate those who are; those who embrace it are often seeking to learn from the different to emulate them and fill a void in their life.

Creativity is the ability to step outside of the box...and build a circle! Never concerned with the fact that everyone else is living inside the box and can't see a circle just waiting to be built! different, embrace your creativity; don't stymie your brilliance, cultivate it!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

choochoo trains are the key to success!

Isn't it funny that life is as simple as..playing choochoo with your grandson! You buy the mp3 player, you get the dual dvds for the back of the car, you purchase all of the latest animated videos, and...
the kid wants to play with his choochoo train, and..he wants you to "PLAY NANO,PLAY!"

Maybe it's a lesson in life-- you think it's the accessories you can provide that make the moment, when all that's needed is...your involvement,your presence and your participation!

Get out of the chair, off the couch Nano, play!

We think they need all those bells and whistles, when all they really need is...

That Train Whistle!! CHOOCHOO!! WHOOOO!

Make A Memory That Will Last A Lifetime!

So many people just meander through life, never participating, always sitting on the sideline. They observe others LIVING life, while they simple settle for WATCHING from the sideline! Wonder Why? Takes too much effort to particpate? Too afraid of being observed or exposed? Too Shy? All of these reasons just keep you from the goal in rack up as many aha moments, the memories that make a lifetime! To have lived a life well! To reflect on your life and go..mann, I loved every minute!

Here's a point2ponder - IF others are living this life, why can't you? You owe it to yourself! Just try something simple..I call it RandomActsOfKindness! Today, at some point, do something nice for someone. It can be as simple as opening the door for someone or...leaving a $5 tip when the bill was only $1.07. Shock value does a long way to making somebody's day!

Try it! The joy you bring to others automatically brings joy to you..there really is a blessing in giving!