Monday, April 11, 2011

Dare to Be Different

We all notice it...anyone who looks different, acts different, talks different...from the norm! We as a society talk a lot about embracing the differences, encougaging diversity, respecting dynamics that make us all unique, until...we are too unique, we stick out, we cause attention to be drawn to us. Then it's not embraced, encouraged or respected--it's noticed!

Point2Ponder: When is different too different? Why do we tell our children to be who they are and then worry that they won't fit in? Why do we allow the world to fit us into their mold, even if there's just no way we can fit! Why do we want our children to be accepted by the IN crowd when the IN crowd is going NOWHERE!!

This is where bullying (verbal, visual and physical) comes into play. We may not say it, show it or stress it, but we are just as guilty when we observe it and -- do nothing!

There's a saying that goes: All that is necessary for EVIL to continue is for good men to do nothing!

We say Dare2BDifrnt - but, all we really want belong, be accepted, to be part of the group.

But...The Word says...
We are in this world, but we are NOT of this world!
The Word calls us pilgrims in a strange country!
The old hymn says we are "looking for a city, where we'll never die!"

We should be the people who accept those who do not fit in with the world..
because we should not fit in either...if we do, isn't there a Bigger problem? time you see someone with a unicorn on their head...let them know..they can swim with you!

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