Saturday, May 14, 2011

what did you just say? repeat that please!

I was on the phone, taking a call at work, and I saw my cell phone ringing. I saw it because I had it on silent, so I saw the number come up. It was a number I wasn't familiar with, and I usually ignore those, but...something told me to take this.

I did something I never do- I put my caller on hold and grabbed my cell.

I answered the phone. It was the nurse from my doctor who did my colonoscopy a few weeks back.

The results were in: of the 3 polyps removed, 1 was benign; 2 were precancerous.

What did you just say? Repeat that please!

They were precancerous...nothing to worry about, we will just watch things a little closer, having a repeat colonoscopy in a year and then every 2 years for a while, just to make sure no more show up. If they do, we will remove them while they are small. Please bring your wife to your scheduled appointment next week so we can discuss the next steps with her. Just Live your life, enjoy your grandson, don't stop living!

And with that Nurse Deb changed my life forever!

Point2Ponder: Have you ever been so startled by news took your breath away? So dumbfounded by what was just said, you didn't know how to respond? Have you ever just wanted to roll back time and... let a call go to voicemail?

I returned to my caller and did what I never do...didn't hear a word they said. i stumbled through the call, having them repeat several tmes the purpose for their call. I wasn't listening, I was in shock. I had just been hit by a Mack Truck.

I ended that call and took a break. I went outside and walked around. Repeating the words of Nurse Deb. Precancerous...that's baby cancer? NO, that's could be cancer? NO that's if we had waited too long, would be cancer!!!

And all this started with a breakfast discussion with my cousins Larry and Millyan who begged me to get a routine colonoscopy. I was 51, and I shouldn't wait...they said, You Never Know!
They were so sweet and loving in their concern as they revealed their stories of routine colonoscopies that returned unexpected results-- they were adamant! they begged me to make an appointment! they made me promise them I would not delay--I had to do it this year! by June!

WOW!! what a providential breakfast discussion--If I had waited, like so many men do..
my PRE would not be pre....and, the words Just Live your Life may not be part of the discussion!

Sometimes, you just have to listen to your cousin!

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