Thursday, March 31, 2011

Count your blessings..seriously, count your blessings!

I woke up this morning counting my blessings! Actually amazed by how many of them I have. I have recently had people come back in my life that I thought were gone forever. A friend from my IBM days, a friend from my high school days, a friend from my YGS Choir days and...a friend I thought I had lost forever due to a disagreement. all of them have come back into my life in the last 3 months.

Point2Ponder: Why can't we spend more time thankful for what we have than bemoaning what we don't? Aren't there more things in our life that make our life meaningful? And, aren't the BEST things in life...not THINGS at all!

I know that there are so many things in our world that need help: our economy, Japan, unemployment, race relations...all things we wish were better. But, I ask you? what is good in your life? Are you loved, are you able to love someone? Do you have true friends? Are your kids healthy? Do you know the meaning of joy? Is there peace in your heart in the midst of the storm? Do you wake up excited to have another gift to enjoy?

Right now, take the time to just say outloud 10 things you are thankful for! Come on! Say it out loud!
See...I knew you could count your blessings, name them one by one, count your blessings, see what God has done!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Best News--All 3 in Reasonable Range!

I had my nuclear stress test today. It's the big picture to tell how my heart is really recovering from the heart attack almost 2 years ago. I had to have chemicals placed in my IV and for four minutes...WOW! my head felt like it was 3 times its size, like I was a hydrosyphallic; my throat closed up tight; I became lightheaded; I got a little numb; I was suddenly fatiqued and hot! The longest 4 minutes of my life! But, it was worth it! Once it was over...within a minute, I was back to my old self...what a ride! almost as good as the rollercoasters I can't ride anymore!

Point2Ponder: Why do we dread the work to get to the result we want so much? It may be a 4 minute chemically induced rollercoaster ride...just to hear...good news!

I came back an hour later, and spent 12 minutes 50 seconds in an MRI while they took pics of my heart!

Then...I waited...

You know..I have always established a rapport with my nurses and techs...they are the backbone of the medical industry and will give you info if they like you...Paula, the tech, liked me..

She checked the 3 sections of the test and said, "The Doctor will give you the official word, but in the 3 areas that we check for, you are in reasonable range in all three!! It all looks good!"

That 4 minute chemical rollercoaster...worth the trip...the pay off was just exceptional!!

Thanks be to God...the healer of my heart!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Wow! What a difference a day makes!

The last 24 hours have been unexpected, painful and predictable! Unexpected because I never saw it coming--the text message that said don't bothing coming! Painful because it brought back such bad vivid memories of times past when we would be banished from our grandchildren; and predictable because my achilles heal is grandchildren.

Point2Ponder: Why do people always go for the jugular even when they will kill,not injure!

If anyone is listening, please consider the pain your actions can cause by toying with someone's emotions and causing pain unnecessarily! They may be broadsided by your actions and may not have time to compose themselves BEFORE they react and that chain of events may be damaging and harmful for all involved!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Situational Ethics is Killing the Moral backbone of America

It used to be...right is right if no one is doing it and wrong is wrong is everyone is doing it. Used to be black and white, right and wrong, and you knew it and those doing wrong knew it too! Not anymore.
Nowadays, it all depends how you know them, how uncomfortable their situation makes you feel and how much you want them to still like you..before you decide if right is now wrong or wrong is okay.

Point2Ponder: Why do we think we can mold our ethics to fit the situation instead of asking if the situation fits the ethic? Integrity is not a coat you put on when you want to be either always have integrity or you never do.

We used to stand up for what is right and not accept what is wrong..because our moral fiber required it of us...we had to say something...stand up in the midst of the crowd and yell--It's WRONG! no matter who was doing was still wrong!!

Don't change your ethics and modify your integrity to fit the situation.

Situational ethics is a situation WITHOUT Ethics!!

Wrong is Still wrong if everyone is doing it and Right is right IF no one is doing it!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Why does it always come down to..givers and takers?

this may sound a little angry, and i am not, but...i am fed up!
The world seems to be broken down into only 2 categories: givers and takers! And the givers keep giving and the takers keep taking..never looking back to wonder? what if just once...I gave?

Point2Ponder: Just because it's there to take, do you always have to? Just once, what if the takers would surprise the givers to them?

Take a moment: review your relationships; analyze what role you play? don't be surprised to find out, you may be a taker in some and a giver in others. Then ask yourself what defined your role in each relationship? the other person mandated it? you acquiesced to it? It was there for the taking, so you took it? have always given to this person and just accept...that's the way it's going to be!

Sometimes, the givers just want to see... the takers will stop and surprise the givers! of their time, of their effort, of their talent, of their life! Just once, blow us away...surprise us with your gift!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Organize A Card Sending Campaign to Surprise them with Appreciation

i just organized a card sending campaign so my wife would have a great 50th birthday! I had our family and friends send her cards of appreciation to her job-- so she would be surprised by receiving them.

I just wanted her to many people really appreciate her background support of everyone we know- as a mom, stepmom, Nana, Aunt, sister-in-law, friend and wife! She never needs to hear thank you...she wants to know that she was able to help!

POINT2PONDER: Why do we overlook those who tirelessly support and encourage us in our life, never stopping to say Thank You and I appreciate your presence in my life!

How about sending a card to someone who supports and encourages you--just to say thank you! Start your own card sending campaign, organize it with mutual friends for that person who always supports your circle of friends. We know...there's always that person, The One, who always remembers to call, to check in, to encourage you, to support you, to let you matter, you are not alone and...
you can do it--they believe in you!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I thought it was SPF50--- It was Cocoa Butter!

I took my grandson Jett to the beach recently, and I made sure to lather him up with SPF...or so I thought! We had a great time, playing with other kids(3 sisters Jett met), playing with a sandcastle, playing in the water, even playing in a cabana, lying on the chaise lounges. He was loving every minute of it...and so was I! Nano and his sidekick, just taking in the sights at the beach!
We only stayed 2 hours, and I noted Jett looked pink when we left, but he had SPF, so...all was okay. wasn't...I had inadvertently used Cocoa Butter instead of SPF50, on my 21 month old grandson! Within 4 hours, that pink turned to tomato, and our baby boy was sunburnt! all my fault.

POINT2PONDER: Why is that our best intentions still cause those we love to be hurt? We never intended them harm, but...there they are, red as a tomato, and it's all your fault!

So...I saw Jett on skype that night. His first words, as he touched his ears, were..."Nano, Hurt!"
Poor baby...we sometimes unintentionally hurt the ones we love the most. When we do, own up to it, ask for forgiveness, accept that it may take some time to hea, physically and emotionally and learn  the lesson that is looking at you! Never Ever Assume A Single have to read the label!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

that unexpected visit-- the best times in life!

Grandkids are the BEST ! and when they come for a surprise visit, just priceless! Mykai and Macie and my daughter Manda surprised us with a visit recently. The doors swung open, both ran out, into Nano's arms! Both said, "Nano, we missed you so much!" talk about music to my ears! Such a joy to have them in my arms. I don't get to spend as much time with MnM as I do with Jett, so when I do get to see them, it's like a holiday!

Point2Ponder: Why is it the best things in life are the unexpected surprise visits from loved ones? They make your day, remind you of the important things in life and provide unexpected joy to your heart! Maybe YOU should be that surprise visit for a loved one? I know that they would love to see you!

Macie asked me to buckle her in. I leaned in to buckle her up, and she smiled big and said,"You smell gooood! Mama, Nano smells goooood!!" Manda and I both laughed. Thank you Usher cologne, the first batch, for this unsolicited fashion report from our 3yr old roving fashionista MacieGirl! and just think, being that close, she could have said something just the opposite! LOL!

So home isn't a building, it's a collection of hearts, lives, memories and emotions all tied in a select community uniquely designed by God. You can't choose family or home in your's preset!

Just matter how far we travel, no matter what we see, we always want to call home and send postcards to share our travels--with them! Be it ever so place like home!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Family-Gotta Love 'em--Hey, They love you!

Why is it that Family is the group of people you call first when you need money, need someone to pick you up or need to know it's gonna be okay, dread seeing them at holidays, you brace yourself for their visit BECAUSE you never know...what they will say or do!

Point2Ponder: Why do we dread seeing the people who know us best? What is it that makes us ignore their call or text when we jump on anyone else's? Why do we assume they will always be there... until we get the call...and they're gone?

We choose to spend time with our friends, we enjoy the camaraderie with our co-workers, we can't wait to get to an event to share an experience with someone special in our lives, but...that is rarely a family member. And yet, when we have received some bad news, when we need some financial assistance, when we need to be reminded that we can still change the world with our smile... we run to family! We ask them to revalidate us, to remind us of who we are and to reconcile our problems with the answers we need to hear...and once we are better...we go back to the friends, taking the family for granted!

Ask yourself when's the last time you put off a friend to do something with a family member, instead of the other way around. Then remind yourself of the last time you called a family member just to say, let's get together for a picnic, a movie, dinner or...just to hang out.

Why do we will always be one call away when tragedy hits and one holiday away when we think of a visit?
Why is it so take family for granted?

Family knows the worst of you and still loves you; most 'friends' would turn away if they knew!
Family keeps your secrets from those who may hurt you if they knew-even when you ignore their call!
Family reminds you of who you are, where you came from and how you got there...
Even if your 'friends' would be surprised by your journey.
Family will make you laugh, make you cry and look you straight in the eye--and keep you honest!
You can fool your friends most of the time, but you can fool your family none of the time!

Ask yourself--how many friends would drop whatever they were doing to rescue or support you?
Ask yourself--what if you suddenly lost that favorite aunt or uncle? Would you wish for more time?
Ask yourself--why do they irritate you so much when you know...they are in your heart forever!

And that's the best thing about cannot pull the wool over their eyes. They Know YOU!

Make a decision today...start treating family with the same preference and priority as your friends!
See how that surprises them...and see how it!
You can't choose your family, but- they can't choose you either! you're stuck with each other!
Quit running from them...they know all your best hiding places because--they hid there--with you!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Passion is not just a fruit--it's the juice in life!

Passionate people are the go-getters, the sharers, the ones who always have something to anyone and everyone! They are passionate about life: yours, theirs, life in general and in specific.

Point2Ponder: Why is it passionate people always have lust for life and experience new adventures and those void of passion always complain about how difficult life is? Because some are experiencing life and the others are just...commenting from the bleachers!

You can decide to taste the juice of life, the Passion Fruit--it will turn your life upside down, turn you round and round and...make you smile, then laugh, then giggle, then burst into tears, all because...
when you experience joy, it gets into your bones, under your skin and into your head just because your's beating, you're alive and breathing and...experiencing this passionate life!

Letting go of Hope is the hardest thing; to have no hope at all!

Some relationships just seem to be tenuous and tedious. They are always on the verge of combustion and you're never quite sure where you stand. One comment, one misinterpreted move and BAM! you're banished AGAIN!

No, i am not talking about my Bella....I am talking about our children!

Point2Ponder: When is enough enough? When does a parent get to say...I've had enough, I walk away! You know where to find me if You Ever Want Me Again...I know you know where to find me When You NEED me, but...when do you just reach out to me want me?

Most fathers just accept that..their kids grow up, move out, move away and are only heard from on holidays and birthdays. I am not most fathers.

I really want to have this lifesharing event with my children and grandchildren. It doesn't have to be everyday, but I do want to share my life, have them share we are in each other's lives, not just limbs off of a family tree!

I have that with two of my children..even my son will call just to say hello...and, eventhough he wanted to hang up after 10 minutes, he listens to my until 27 minutes, when I finally realize..i've lost him!
He is not a phone person, so the last 17 minutes...quantified love! that means a lot...he knew I needed to talk, so...he let me talk!

One of my daughters lives out of state. We are going through a difficult time in our relationship. Instead of separating and blocking communication, both of us are working hard to keep the lines of communication open...not an easy task when the point of contention is such a bone of contention!!
but, we love each other, and our love for one another is the healing salve to cover the pain and stress caused by the difficult time we are going through. I am thankful that we are able to keep this line of communication open--and I am still praying for a Godly resolution to this situation.

Then there's my other daughter--we have come so far in the last 10 years. The lines of communication are better than they have ever been. We can share family outings together and holidays at each other's homes and occasional text messages and much more infrequent phone calls. I want so much more from her, but I have to accept that this is what she is willing to give and I have to take it or leave it. Of course, I will take it! but, I have to find a way to not feel the pain of rejection every time I text and it is not returned or I leave a voicemail,asking for a callback that is never returned. Just hurts--it's my blog and I can speak my heart, and..the rejection, ignoring really kills me! I want to believe it's not intentional, that she is so busy with her husband, her two kids, her job as a teacher, her church work, that she just doesn't have the time to call or text...I want to believe that until...I hear from her sister and brother that they have talked to her, they have gotten text messages returned, so...not sure what to think?

Sometimes...It is What It Is! Letting go of hope is the hardest thing...most painful let it slip away and suddenly...have no hope at all!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy Parade Day! Everybody loves a Parade--March Forth!

My brother Paul's favorite line is "Happy Parade Day--March Forth!"  He laughs and laughs when he says this and then asks, don't you celebrate Parade Day? the day you march forth! Cut to him still laughing as he states all 3 of his girls call him on march 4th to celebrate Parade Day! To him, this is just slap yourself silly, fall off the chair, pee your pants kind of funny! hmm! maybe...but No, i don't think so.

Point2Ponder: Why is it that a family can share a moment, a funny incident or inside joke, that will still cause them to reconnect to share in the laughter or memory? Because that's what makes a family--that collection of shared memories, shared relationships, shared experiences that binds them.

So, think of a funny family, after you've stopped smiling, chuckling or laughing your butt off, call a family member who shares this memory and...laugh a little with them while you reminisce and share this moment all over again!! recycled laughter..aww! that's the best kind!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Even a 20 month old can...can make you laugh your butt off!!

We watch movies to laugh, watch TV to laugh, watch YouTube..TO MAKE US LAUGH!
So many people spend so much time trying to make us's an industry!
It's also a necessity to life...we need to laugh, we love to laugh, we have to laugh!!

Point2Ponder: Why do we try to create laughter and drum up things to laugh at, when the best spontaneous laughter happens when a 20 month old accidentally pulls the CODE BLUE button at the hospital, causing 15 doctors to run in expecting to resuscitate someone,just to see a little boy go..
DID I DO THAT??? remember Urkel's line?

It's the simple things that bring the best joys....the laughter caused by a little curious boy! Guess he was attracted to the Color Blue? of course he was!!

So next time you want to laugh, just take a little boy to the hospital and..turn him loose! LOL!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Then there is family...the most important thing is family

I am sitting here with my sister-in-law kay, her oldest daughter val, her husband david and my wife bella. My brother Paul is in emergency surgery to repair his first surgery from last week. Bella and I left work as soon as we found out about the emergency surgery, drove 100 miles in an hour and a half... just to be with family! any other occasion, any other time, we would have said, wish we could be there,'s a 100 miles away, and we can't get off work!
until there's a family emergency!
i always told my kids...weddings and can't make up for missing them...
you gotta be there!

Point2Ponder: Why is it we can't stand our family growing up, but..once grown, we spend the best times of our lives sharing our lives, with...our family?

Take a moment to call a sibling, a favorite aunt or...your parents and reminisce about a memory only you share...and thus...what makes you family!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Life, New Beginnings, New You!

Spring has sprung! New life is in the air! Birds are singing, flowers are blooming! Joggers are jogging, walkers are walking...everyone is outside their 4 walls-- experiencing the new beginning that comes with Spring! So, why don't you? Why aren't you outside, breathing in the new sense of life!

Point2Ponder: Why is it some people will embrace the newness of Spring, apply this opportunity to start anew, while others continue to hibernate through life, barely experiencing life, mostly just observing others live life while they sit on the sideline! It's all attitude! You decide, front and center or sit on the have a spot waiting for you, with your name on it, in both places--you decide!!

So many people didn't make it to 2011...some of us won't make it to 2012..don't you want to make every minute count?
 IF this is your last year...
don't you want to be able to say...
I lived like I was dying!!!