Thursday, March 10, 2011

that unexpected visit-- the best times in life!

Grandkids are the BEST ! and when they come for a surprise visit, just priceless! Mykai and Macie and my daughter Manda surprised us with a visit recently. The doors swung open, both ran out, into Nano's arms! Both said, "Nano, we missed you so much!" talk about music to my ears! Such a joy to have them in my arms. I don't get to spend as much time with MnM as I do with Jett, so when I do get to see them, it's like a holiday!

Point2Ponder: Why is it the best things in life are the unexpected surprise visits from loved ones? They make your day, remind you of the important things in life and provide unexpected joy to your heart! Maybe YOU should be that surprise visit for a loved one? I know that they would love to see you!

Macie asked me to buckle her in. I leaned in to buckle her up, and she smiled big and said,"You smell gooood! Mama, Nano smells goooood!!" Manda and I both laughed. Thank you Usher cologne, the first batch, for this unsolicited fashion report from our 3yr old roving fashionista MacieGirl! and just think, being that close, she could have said something just the opposite! LOL!

So home isn't a building, it's a collection of hearts, lives, memories and emotions all tied in a select community uniquely designed by God. You can't choose family or home in your's preset!

Just matter how far we travel, no matter what we see, we always want to call home and send postcards to share our travels--with them! Be it ever so place like home!

1 comment:

  1. This just melted my heart and I know you and Bella had such a wonderful time with the grands and Amanda. So glad she surprised you with this visit.

