Sunday, March 13, 2011

I thought it was SPF50--- It was Cocoa Butter!

I took my grandson Jett to the beach recently, and I made sure to lather him up with SPF...or so I thought! We had a great time, playing with other kids(3 sisters Jett met), playing with a sandcastle, playing in the water, even playing in a cabana, lying on the chaise lounges. He was loving every minute of it...and so was I! Nano and his sidekick, just taking in the sights at the beach!
We only stayed 2 hours, and I noted Jett looked pink when we left, but he had SPF, so...all was okay. wasn't...I had inadvertently used Cocoa Butter instead of SPF50, on my 21 month old grandson! Within 4 hours, that pink turned to tomato, and our baby boy was sunburnt! all my fault.

POINT2PONDER: Why is that our best intentions still cause those we love to be hurt? We never intended them harm, but...there they are, red as a tomato, and it's all your fault!

So...I saw Jett on skype that night. His first words, as he touched his ears, were..."Nano, Hurt!"
Poor baby...we sometimes unintentionally hurt the ones we love the most. When we do, own up to it, ask for forgiveness, accept that it may take some time to hea, physically and emotionally and learn  the lesson that is looking at you! Never Ever Assume A Single have to read the label!!

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