Saturday, March 5, 2011

Passion is not just a fruit--it's the juice in life!

Passionate people are the go-getters, the sharers, the ones who always have something to anyone and everyone! They are passionate about life: yours, theirs, life in general and in specific.

Point2Ponder: Why is it passionate people always have lust for life and experience new adventures and those void of passion always complain about how difficult life is? Because some are experiencing life and the others are just...commenting from the bleachers!

You can decide to taste the juice of life, the Passion Fruit--it will turn your life upside down, turn you round and round and...make you smile, then laugh, then giggle, then burst into tears, all because...
when you experience joy, it gets into your bones, under your skin and into your head just because your's beating, you're alive and breathing and...experiencing this passionate life!

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