Thursday, March 3, 2011

Even a 20 month old can...can make you laugh your butt off!!

We watch movies to laugh, watch TV to laugh, watch YouTube..TO MAKE US LAUGH!
So many people spend so much time trying to make us's an industry!
It's also a necessity to life...we need to laugh, we love to laugh, we have to laugh!!

Point2Ponder: Why do we try to create laughter and drum up things to laugh at, when the best spontaneous laughter happens when a 20 month old accidentally pulls the CODE BLUE button at the hospital, causing 15 doctors to run in expecting to resuscitate someone,just to see a little boy go..
DID I DO THAT??? remember Urkel's line?

It's the simple things that bring the best joys....the laughter caused by a little curious boy! Guess he was attracted to the Color Blue? of course he was!!

So next time you want to laugh, just take a little boy to the hospital and..turn him loose! LOL!

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