Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Best News--All 3 in Reasonable Range!

I had my nuclear stress test today. It's the big picture to tell how my heart is really recovering from the heart attack almost 2 years ago. I had to have chemicals placed in my IV and for four minutes...WOW! my head felt like it was 3 times its size, like I was a hydrosyphallic; my throat closed up tight; I became lightheaded; I got a little numb; I was suddenly fatiqued and hot! The longest 4 minutes of my life! But, it was worth it! Once it was over...within a minute, I was back to my old self...what a ride! almost as good as the rollercoasters I can't ride anymore!

Point2Ponder: Why do we dread the work to get to the result we want so much? It may be a 4 minute chemically induced rollercoaster ride...just to hear...good news!

I came back an hour later, and spent 12 minutes 50 seconds in an MRI while they took pics of my heart!

Then...I waited...

You know..I have always established a rapport with my nurses and techs...they are the backbone of the medical industry and will give you info if they like you...Paula, the tech, liked me..

She checked the 3 sections of the test and said, "The Doctor will give you the official word, but in the 3 areas that we check for, you are in reasonable range in all three!! It all looks good!"

That 4 minute chemical rollercoaster...worth the trip...the pay off was just exceptional!!

Thanks be to God...the healer of my heart!

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