Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Then there is family...the most important thing is family

I am sitting here with my sister-in-law kay, her oldest daughter val, her husband david and my wife bella. My brother Paul is in emergency surgery to repair his first surgery from last week. Bella and I left work as soon as we found out about the emergency surgery, drove 100 miles in an hour and a half... just to be with family! any other occasion, any other time, we would have said, wish we could be there,'s a 100 miles away, and we can't get off work!
until there's a family emergency!
i always told my kids...weddings and can't make up for missing them...
you gotta be there!

Point2Ponder: Why is it we can't stand our family growing up, but..once grown, we spend the best times of our lives sharing our lives, with...our family?

Take a moment to call a sibling, a favorite aunt or...your parents and reminisce about a memory only you share...and thus...what makes you family!

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