Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Situational Ethics is Killing the Moral backbone of America

It used to be...right is right if no one is doing it and wrong is wrong is everyone is doing it. Used to be black and white, right and wrong, and you knew it and those doing wrong knew it too! Not anymore.
Nowadays, it all depends how you know them, how uncomfortable their situation makes you feel and how much you want them to still like you..before you decide if right is now wrong or wrong is okay.

Point2Ponder: Why do we think we can mold our ethics to fit the situation instead of asking if the situation fits the ethic? Integrity is not a coat you put on when you want to be either always have integrity or you never do.

We used to stand up for what is right and not accept what is wrong..because our moral fiber required it of us...we had to say something...stand up in the midst of the crowd and yell--It's WRONG! no matter who was doing was still wrong!!

Don't change your ethics and modify your integrity to fit the situation.

Situational ethics is a situation WITHOUT Ethics!!

Wrong is Still wrong if everyone is doing it and Right is right IF no one is doing it!

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