Monday, March 7, 2011

Family-Gotta Love 'em--Hey, They love you!

Why is it that Family is the group of people you call first when you need money, need someone to pick you up or need to know it's gonna be okay, dread seeing them at holidays, you brace yourself for their visit BECAUSE you never know...what they will say or do!

Point2Ponder: Why do we dread seeing the people who know us best? What is it that makes us ignore their call or text when we jump on anyone else's? Why do we assume they will always be there... until we get the call...and they're gone?

We choose to spend time with our friends, we enjoy the camaraderie with our co-workers, we can't wait to get to an event to share an experience with someone special in our lives, but...that is rarely a family member. And yet, when we have received some bad news, when we need some financial assistance, when we need to be reminded that we can still change the world with our smile... we run to family! We ask them to revalidate us, to remind us of who we are and to reconcile our problems with the answers we need to hear...and once we are better...we go back to the friends, taking the family for granted!

Ask yourself when's the last time you put off a friend to do something with a family member, instead of the other way around. Then remind yourself of the last time you called a family member just to say, let's get together for a picnic, a movie, dinner or...just to hang out.

Why do we will always be one call away when tragedy hits and one holiday away when we think of a visit?
Why is it so take family for granted?

Family knows the worst of you and still loves you; most 'friends' would turn away if they knew!
Family keeps your secrets from those who may hurt you if they knew-even when you ignore their call!
Family reminds you of who you are, where you came from and how you got there...
Even if your 'friends' would be surprised by your journey.
Family will make you laugh, make you cry and look you straight in the eye--and keep you honest!
You can fool your friends most of the time, but you can fool your family none of the time!

Ask yourself--how many friends would drop whatever they were doing to rescue or support you?
Ask yourself--what if you suddenly lost that favorite aunt or uncle? Would you wish for more time?
Ask yourself--why do they irritate you so much when you know...they are in your heart forever!

And that's the best thing about cannot pull the wool over their eyes. They Know YOU!

Make a decision today...start treating family with the same preference and priority as your friends!
See how that surprises them...and see how it!
You can't choose your family, but- they can't choose you either! you're stuck with each other!
Quit running from them...they know all your best hiding places because--they hid there--with you!

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